Advertising Rates

Print Display Adverts

Full Page
Double Page Spread
 Fun To Learn Friends £1,000 £1,900
 Fun To Learn Favourites £1,000 £1,900
 Fun To Learn Bag O’ Fun Inserts Only Inserts Only
 Sparkle World £1,000 £1,900
 Skoodle £1,000 £1,900

Advertorials can be designed by our expert Editorial team. Contact us for a quote or further details.
Agency commission 10%. All rates subject to VAT.

Digital Adverts

Digital Advert Space
Main Page Banner
Available to book on the Activities Page or Individual Competitions Pages
Leading Page Banner
Banner located on the Home, Activities, Competitions and Competition Winners Pages. 
Available on the Activities Page only.
Bottom Banner
Available to book on the Activities Page, Competitions Page OR Individual Magazine Pages.


  • Loose inserts available on request, starting from £35 CPT.
  • Stitched inserts available on request, starting from £45 CPT.

Agency commission 10%. All rates subject to VAT.

Sponsorship and Product Sampling

  • Sponsorship – There are sponsorship opportunities available in the magazine and online!
  • Product Sampling – Redan’s compilation magazines offer the perfect opportunity for product sampling to a highly targeted audience.

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