Calm Christmas Holidays!
Uncertainty in the world is again looming and ‘calm’ is not a state of being I am achieving regularly right now.
In times like these, especially for those of us with small people, we need to tread a conscious path to remaining in a space that is as close to ‘calm’ as we can get. Christmas is a magical time for children (and adults) and no amount of Covid chaos can steal that, it’s in us. Here are my tips for ensuring that, whatever is going on in the outside world, Christmas is what Christmas should be…
Know What You Want…
Think of 2 words that describe what you want Christmas to be. Mine would be ‘fun’ and ‘restful’. Then, talk to your partner/support network and discuss ways that you can achieve this. Also, when making decisions about the festive season if activities do not fall under these two words, think carefully about whether they need to happen at all.
Be Flexible With ‘Traditions’
At Christmas we can get so caught up in the way things should be. We are often so attached to following our traditions a certain way because we are nostalgic about our past. When my husband convinced me that we would change to opening presents after lunch, I literally felt like Christmas had been cancelled. However, you know what? I now prefer it. So, if this year you are unable to do some things the ‘normal’ way find new, magical ways of doing them -you never know, they may stick…
Keep it Simple
Every year I catch myself being caught up in the hype and this isn’t a place of calm. Christmas isn’t about presents (even though small people fixate on this) it’s about quality time with people you love. Rather than planning the best food, best presents, best decorations, think rather about what you want Christmas to be. I buy easy food (and food that generates leftovers) put my phone away as much as I can (HIGHLY RECOMMEND!) and ensure that at least one pyjama day is planned in.
Get Outside
At Christmas time (as with other times of the year) we often get out first thing. Nature has the most healing and energising impact on children and adults alike. Everyone’s mood is lifted, we are all in balance and we can mooch around for the rest of the day guilt-free.
When you have worked really hard to establish great routines it can be really hard to let these go. However, in my experience routines can really jar with the Christmas vibe. My advice is to adhere to normal patterns when you can, but if things go out of the window over the festive period it’s not a disaster and can actually feel quite liberating!
Time For You
Finally, and perhaps most importantly – be kind to you. It has been an extraordinary two years and we have all had difficult journeys to tread. It is vital to plan in time to do what makes you feel good. Then ask for help from other adults to make this happen. Then make sure you stick to it.
I wish you all a Christmas which is what you want it to be and, whatever that is, you all experience a little magic, joy and a lot of calm.
Rachel x
Images: © Shutterstock