A Conscious Christmas!
Every year I truly believe I am going to ‘do’ Christmas different. I am not going to suffer a last-minute panic, over-buying and responding to my children’s last-minute wishes. Despite my best intentions ever single year is the same, I overspend and every single year I regret it.
Why is Christmas like this for me? Two reasons, the first being it’s such a busy time of year, it becomes frantic and I lose my ability to make sensible decisions. Secondly, I have developed an unfortunate and distorted belief that the gifts I give are somehow a measure of my love…
So, I have spent some time dreaming up a formula for making this Christmas different, a conscious Christmas. I hope it will help me to experience Christmas in a new way…
Limit the Number…
Before you get into buying recklessly, decide on the number of gifts. This will vary according to your family traditions. A number of gifts is easier than an amount of money but do ensure that it is within a reasonable budget.
Want, Need, Create, Read…
Once you have the number set, list these 4 categories. If your child is not exhibiting a, ‘want’ a letter to Father Christmas is always a good way in. Alternatively think carefully about their interests and what gift could grow this.
Need is always a blessing, ‘Do you love your new coat?’ as Mummy congratulates herself on the usefulness of this gift!
‘Create’ because these presents are this most flexible, art sets, woodwork, construction are always winners because they are used again and again in many contexts.
‘Read’ because books are best. They may not provide the ultimate excitement in the unwrapping, but they will keep giving in the cold months to come…
Smash It!
Every year I fall into the ‘bitty’ shopping trips trap. I congratulate myself on the clever way I am fitting Christmas prep into my busy life. In reality it’s chaotic and I end up with too many similar gifts or, more commonly, I fool myself that I have done far much more than I have.
Climate Conscious
So, we all know that in the early years, the ‘plastic fantastic’ toys are often the most ‘wanted’. Facebook Marketplace, eBay and Gumtree are your best friend. Not only can you source these gifts at half the price you can also help the planet by reusing.
If you want to buy new and sustainable there are great companies online for climate conscious and educational.
The Gift of Love!
Whatever your beliefs, Christmas as a family is about time spent together. Last year I asked my youngest what was her favourite part of Christmas and she replied without a second thought, ‘charades’. I must admit I had to choke back the tears as the realisation dawned that my energies are so misguided…
So, this year I shall commit to a ‘Conscious Christmas’. A Christmas which is mindful, measured and is full of loving family time rather than frivolity.
Now I just need to write a list…
Rachel x
Images: © Shutterstock