Peppa Pig Bag O’ Fun wins Progressive Preschool’s Eco Award for the Cardboard Wrapper!
Redan are delighted to win the Eco Award for their publication, Fun To Learn Peppa Pig Bag O’ Fun magazine, at the 10th Progressive Preschool Awards held at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London on 15th November.
“This is fantastic news for Redan and the children’s magazine category, recognising our commitment to making change,” says Julie Jones, Managing Director of Redan Publishing. “Finding and implementing more sustainable products and solutions is at the forefront of our business decisions and being awarded for one of our sustainable measures is amazing.”

The brand-new Eco Award recognises and rewards the credentials of a product on a sustainability front. Redan implemented a revolutionary, plastic free and 100% recyclable Eco development that was recognised by pre-school industry experts as a deserved winner. Redan created an innovative alternative to poly-bag packaging using a uniquely styled, cardboard wrapper for Fun To Learn Peppa Pig Bag O’ Fun magazine, removing nearly 900,000 single-use plastic bags from the market.
This development not only packages the product but offers extra content for children to enjoy as more activities are printed on the reverse of the wrapper. Plus the wrapper has the added advantage that it can be recycled through kerbside collections.
In addition, poly-bagged issues of Fun To Learn Peppa Pig Bag o’ Fun include a separate colouring booklet which are sourced from and printed in India. Lisa Lowarch, Commercial Director at Redan Publishing goes on to explain that, “For a card-wrapped issue, we remove the carbon footprint and transportation of these booklets as the cardboard wrapper includes additional activities as an alternative to the colouring booklet, and the wrapper material is sourced from Europe and printed in the UK.”
Marion Bardou, Sr Manager Publishing, UK, Hasbro, said: “It has been a true pleasure to work with Redan on this exciting project for Peppa Pig, and it is fantastic to see that our combined efforts to make the magazines more sustainable are being recognised. We couldn’t have hoped for a better award.”
Redan’s focus on sustainability is ongoing and the company is constantly researching and adapting practices and materials to be more environmentally friendly. The business has invested in the recycling campaign and environmental educational programme, ‘Recycle to Read’, to help develop a sustainable circular economy for the magazine and toy industries.