UK MUMS TV Baby and Pre-school Awards 2022
Redan celebrates a Gold award, one Silver award and two bronze awards in the Best Early Years Magazine category at the UK MUMS TV Baby and Pre-School Awards 2022!
This year’s UK MUMS TV Baby & Pre-School Awards put some of the best early years children’s magazines through their paces, including Redan’s Fun To Learn range.
This year’s Baby & Preschool Awards, enlisted the help of families and teachers from across the UK to help UK MUMS TV test a host of brilliant children’s products. Together, they have awarded the best books, magazines and entertainment products for children in their early years.
The testers gave their verdict and we are pleased to announce the Fun To Learn Peppa Pig Bag O Fun magazine got a Gold award, Fun To Learn Hey Duggee magazine got a silver award and Fun To Learn Peppa Pig and Fun To Learn Friends magazine both took the bronze award spot!